Monday, January 24, 2011

a new realization

After months of a dead-end retail job and the tireless question of when are you going back to school, I have given some thought of doing so. I love editing, I love the techonology behind it, I love creating the film world and making people feel. But my love of Pixar films and Tim Burton (strange i know) has always lingured in the back of my mind.
I was forced to go to a university, by society, by the soical norms. It wasn't really a question, just get alright grades and get into a university. Which in reality, who could blame a parent for? I always though hey can't I just move to California and work my way up the ladder. Or can't I go to an institute and get by with a two year program?  But a year later, graduated from a university with a concentration in film editing getting by with what little oppurnities I can find, I AM BORED.
But am I bored or am I scared? Do I think going back to any kind of schooling will keep me from having to reach the true level of adulthood? Or Do I need to saddle up and get started on my life's biggest journey? Am I ready for the real world?
I always thought I was, I never wanted to wait around, I just wanted to do something. So I ask, myself I guess, Do I push forward? Or do I stay in this bubble I have created for myself?

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